Introduction to the Approach of Narrative Technologies Die Philosophische Audiothek Introduction to the Approach of Narrative Technologies Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / 1:30:55 Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed By Mark Coeckelbergh Wessel Reijers Recording date: 28. November 2016 Course: 180034 (2016W) Series: Introduction to Philosophy of Technology 6 Classification: 50.02 Technikphilosophie All rights reserved. Vorheriger Beitrag: Flucht, Asyl, Menschenrechte | Philosophische Perspektiven 7 Nächster Beitrag: Grundlagen der angewandten Ethik (7)