Ethics and Aesthetics: Somaesthetics as an Art of Living By Mădălina Diaconu Richard Shusterman Recording date: September 14, 2022
12 Technology and Warfare By Mark Coeckelbergh Michael Funk Recording date: January 27, 2017 Course: 180034 (2016W) Series: Introduction to Philosophy of Technology 12
11 Hegel, the Struggle for Recognition, and Robots By Mark Coeckelbergh Nolen Gertz Recording date: January 22, 2017 Course: 180034 (2016W) Series: Introduction to Philosophy of Technology 11
10 Technology and Romaticism By Mark Coeckelbergh Recording date: January 15, 2017 Course: 180034 (2016W) Series: Introduction to Philosophy of Technology 10
9 Analytic Philosophy Approaches to the Philosophy of Technology By Mark Coeckelbergh Recording date: January 9, 2017 Course: 180034 (2016W) Series: Introduction to Philosophy of Technology 9
8 Critical Theory and Feminist Theory By Katleen Gabriels Mark Coeckelbergh Recording date: December 12, 2016 Course: 180034 (2016W) Series: Introduction to Philosophy of Technology 8
7 Introduction to Science and Technology Studies and the Social Construction of Technology By Mark Coeckelbergh Recording date: December 6, 2016 Course: 180034 (2016W) Series: Introduction to Philosophy of Technology 7
6 Introduction to the Approach of Narrative Technologies By Mark Coeckelbergh Wessel Reijers Recording date: November 28, 2016 Course: 180034 (2016W) Series: Introduction to Philosophy of Technology 6